Member News

Guidebook offers stewardship direction for higher ed boards

Serving on a board of trustees is both an honor and a responsibility. As a trustee, you are a link between your institution and students, faculty, staff, the public and other constituencies that support it and are served by it. You are a steward of mission, reputation and resources. In fulfilling your responsibilities, you will contribute your talent, expertise and dedication.

To expand your understanding of a board’s purposes and composition, and your duties as a trustee, consult our
Higher Education Board Guidebook. Within its pages you’ll find guidance on your roles, responsibilities and liabilities; keeping the board effective; accountability and integrity; financial stewardship; and operating procedures.

As you read, you may realize you have questions in some areas. Contact us; our Not-for-Profit and Higher Education professionals are committed to helping address your board and organization challenges.

Audit committee members can find information and download our Higher Education Audit Committee Guidebook.

Compliments of Grant Thornton – a member of the EACCNY